The possibilities are endless when it comes to the reasons why you have a copious amount of unwanted cardboard. We have all fallen prey to late night online shopping deals that leave us with lots of boxes. Don’t even get us started on the cardboard chaos that comes after moving!
But, the possibilities are pretty limited when it comes to how you should get rid of them in a proper manner. Unfortunately, throwing away cardboard is not just irresponsible – it directly harms the environment around us and adds to a real ever-growing problem in our landfills.
Because cardboard contains Methane, it will let this chemical out into the air as it breaks down in a landfill. This will add onto the pollution crisis that we are facing now. So, what is the better way to get rid of your old cardboard without taking up too much time? Read on as we discuss!
Cardboard Composting or Recycling:
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Assessing The Condition of Your Cardboard
When it comes to deciding between using cardboard for composting or recycling, it may not seem relevant where the cardboard came from. This is couldn’t be a bigger misconception.
Figuring out whether you should go ahead with composting or if you should just book a safe pickup for cardboard recycling heavily involves the condition of which your cardboard is in.
Getting easy cardboard recycling is the ideal option, but if your cardboard is not in the right condition to be taken, you’ll just end up wasting time.
Too much cardboard to deal with? SCHEDULE A PICKUP ❯
🌱 When to Use Your Cardboard for Compost
Did you order far too many pizzas for a party? Maybe you needed a cardboard backdrop for your kid’s school project? Either way, the chances are this cardboard is considered soiled.
When trying to recycle cardboard that is soiled like this, it’s most likely that recycling centers won’t take it. Even if they do take it, this type of cardboard can effectively ruin an entire bundle of cardboard and make it impossible for it all to be remade into new products.
♻️ When to Use Your Cardboard for Recycling
Your cardboard that hasn’t been soiled and is still in its original dry and clean state is typically very easy to recycle. The rules by which you can recycle your cardboard vary by city and state.
The price of baled cardboard in the United States is between $20-26, or about $0.02 to $0.03 per pound, on average. When you’re recycling cardboard, keep in mind that there is a market for reusable cardboard material. Some places, like U-Haul have drop off locations so people can drop off old cardboard for later repurposing.
You will want to look up your specific area’s recycling rules to find out how much cardboard can be recycled each week and how they need to be broken down in order for them to be picked up. In many instances, you may not be able to get rid of all you have in one week.
📦 Around 56% of paper and cardboard waste is landfilled annually, but cardboard composting or an earth-friendly cardboard pickup for recycling from a junk removal company can save the planet.
Benefits to Cardboard for Compost

Cardboard composting has become increasingly popular because it is a sure fire way to be certain that your old cardboard doesn’t go to waste. On top of knowing that it isn’t simply thrown into a landfill, you are actually able to see how it can be re-used to make wonderful things like vegetable gardens.
This is a great option if you are interested in growing your own food and have soiled cardboard that can’t be recycled. It can be very beneficial to take this step to live a more sustainable lifestyle! This is one of many methods you can take to having a more eco-friendly home and reducing waste like cardboard.
The cardboard box crisis that is filling up landfills is present and growing so it’s important that you try to find a way to use your soiled cardboard.
This being said, if your cardboard isn’t soiled – it’s going to be more kind to the planet if you can recycle your leftover boxes.
Wanna get rid of cardboard now? BOOK A PICKUP ❯
Advantages to Cardboard Recycling

Cardboard recycling is largely advantageous to the environment as it eliminates the need for chopping down more trees in order to make new products. Not only this, but it takes away the possibility of the growing number of cardboard in landfills. We don’t need more toxic waste and fumes being added to the air, water, and earth.
Composting cardboard is a great resource and does help to lower the rising rate of cardboard in landfills, but it does not contribute to the prevention of trees being cut down – whereas recycling does.
The more products that are made from recycling, the less we will have to resort to invasive methods in the ever-growing need for new paper products in our households.
It may seem like a simple cardboard box, but one box can become many. It all starts with your decision to recycle and help the earth breathe a little easier.
Living environmentally friendly can be easier than ever when you utilize a curbside cardboard pickup service from a reliable junk removal company to take your leftover cardboard straight to a recycling center.
🚛 You will be able to have peace of mind that you are lowering the staggering number of cardboard left in landfills daily when you get cardboard recycling for all those leftover boxes.
Utilizing Curbside Cardboard Pickup
As previously stated, it is possible to break down all these boxes yourself and bundle them in a city sanctioned way for the curbside recycling bin to save the earth. Any effort you can make like this will help, and you can check your city’s rules to make sure they are taken care of well.
But if you have too many cardboard boxes for recycling and too little time, you might want to consider hiring an eco-friendly service to pick up those boxes for you.
LoadUp’s Cardboard Recycling Services

LoadUp is a junk removal company with local hauling experts in your area that deeply care about the environment and are here to help with all your cardboard recycling needs.
They will go above and beyond to ensure that your cardboard pickup is smooth and effective in aiding the earth.
One of LoadUp’s biggest goals is to make sustainable improvements in the junk industry so that you never again need to feel guilty about throwing away your cardboard. Let us take it for you instead!
Our Loaders don’t stop at cardboard either, they’ll take mattresses, appliances, and furniture, too! No matter where your cardboard or other junk is located, they will see to it that it is removed, hauled, and disposed of in the most eco-friendly method that is possible.
So, don’t worry about deciding what to do with cardboard anymore. Cardboard composting and recycling is here to stay and help our environment!
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